Notice of Annual SWSFCU Meeting of Members and Board of Directors’ Election
Notice: The Board of Directors’ Annual Meeting of Members date will be April 12th, 2025. This year, we again plan our “in-person” meeting with plenty of food, raffle, and a short business meeting which includes the election of Board members…
Notice of Annual SWSFCU Meeting of Members and 2025 Board of Directors’ Election
Notice: The Board of Directors’ Annual Meeting of Members scheduled for 1:00 pm, Saturday April 12th, 2025. This year, we are again planning for an “in-person” meeting with plenty of food, raffle, and a short business meeting. Our 2025 theme is “Garden Party”. Attendees must register in advance - please see the “Register” form for more information.
The entire event should last from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. The venue this year will again be at the Martinez Refinery Club House. In addition to the food & fun, we look forward to discussing the previous year’s successes and challenges. For general questions please call credit union staff directly at (925) 228-4545 or watch for announcements at homepage.
In the case of a Board Seat up for renewal, any new nominations may be submitted by March 15th accompanied by a brief statement of qualifications and biographical data. The elections will be conducted by ballot (unless there are exactly the same number of Board seats as nominees). If interested, please contact:
MJ Bacani at 925-228-4545 ex. 216 or email at
Also, note that:
Nominations may be made by petition signed by 1% of the members with a minimum of 20, and
When the number of nominees equals the number of positions, no new nominations are allowed from the floor and no ballot will be conducted.
Registration is Now Open!
Where: MRC Clubhouse
When: Saturday, April 12th, 2025
Time: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
This year’s theme is “Garden Party”, so come dressed in your favorite garden party attire!
Admission is Free this year - Attendees MUST be registered.
Kinders will be catered and “Thank you” gifts will be handed to each attendee.
Prizes will be Raffled to eligible attendees!
Member Registration is Now Open!
Shell Western States Federal Credit Union
Annual Meeting of Members
Date: Saturday April 12th, 2025
Time: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Location: Martinez Refinery Club House - 1635 Pacheco Blvd. Martinez, CA 94553
No cost to attend this year!
Attendees MUST Register - (Limit of three guests per member).
Raffle Prizes - Must be a member to participate (one raffle ticket per member).
Non-members are encouraged to join on the day of the event at no cost (eligibility requirements do apply - Review membership details here).
Check-In at the door - Attendees must be registered in advance!
Attendees receive “Thank you” gift.
Business Meeting.
Catered Buffet Lunch.
Kinders BBQ, non-alcoholic drinks, dessert.
Members Raffle of Prizes!
Notice of Annual SWSFCU Meeting of Members and 2025 Board of Directors’ Election
Notice: The Board of Directors’ Annual Meeting of Members scheduled for 1:00 pm, Saturday April 12th, 2025. This year, we are again planning for an “in-person” meeting with plenty of food, raffle, and a short business meeting. Our 2025 theme is “Garden Party”. Attendees must register in advance - please see the “Register” form for more information.
The entire event should last from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. The venue this year will again be at the Martinez Refinery Club House. In addition to the food & fun, we look forward to discussing the previous year’s successes and challenges. For general questions please call credit union staff directly at (925) 228-4545 or watch for announcements at homepage.
In the case of a Board Seat up for renewal, any new nominations may be submitted by March 15th accompanied by a brief statement of qualifications and biographical data. The elections will be conducted by ballot (unless there are exactly the same number of Board seats as nominees). If interested, please contact:
MJ Bacani at 925-228-4545 ex. 216 or email at
Also, note that:
Nominations may be made by petition signed by 1% of the members with a minimum of 20, and
When the number of nominees equals the number of positions, no new nominations are allowed from the floor and no ballot will be conducted.